Organization and members


The Society is open to graduates and undergraduates who share the stated purposes of the Society to encourage development and dissemination of knowledge in Biophysics. The Society’s members work in academia, research, hospitals, industry and government agencies in Romania and/or abroad.

RSPAB is organized in branches grouping members from the main Romanian academic and research cities:

  • Bucuresti Branch
  • Cluj Branch
  • Iaşi Branch
  • Timişoara Branch
  • Tg. Mureş Branch
  • Craiova Branch

RSPAB is run by the General Assembly which meets every two years in ordinary sessions or more frequently in exceptional sessions if needed. RSPAB is administered by a Council elected for four years by the General Assembly.

RSPAB members are benefiting from reduced fees at scientific events organized by the Society.RSPAB offers bursaries to individual young scientists to participate in events organized by EBSA or IUPAB (calls are announced on the society website).

As adhering body to EBSA and IUPAB, RSPAB may receive support in the form of grants to the Romanian organizers of biophysical scientific events (details EBSA , details IUPAB). Furthermore, SRBPA members are eligible for EBSA working visits grants (details), they may apply for bursaries to attend scientific meetings (details EBSA , details IUPAB ), they have free access to the European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters (link available by e-mail).


Regular members

RSPAB is composed of individual members who pay the following fees:


Type of member Affiliation fee Annual membership fee
Senior (over 35 years) 12 lei 60 lei
Junior (35 years and under) 6 lei 30 lei
Undergraduate student 3 lei 15 lei


The affiliation fee has to be paid once when someone becomes member of RSPAB. If a person loses the quality of member and wants to join back the Society he/she is supposed to pay again the affiliation fee.

The fees can be paid by cash to the Branch Treasurer or by bank transfer (transfer tax is covered by deponent). For back transfer use the following information:

Societatea Română de Biofizică Pură şi Aplicată Raiffeisen Bank, Agenţia Lujerului, Bucureşti Cont (LEI): RO98 RZBR 0000 0600 0326 2388 CUI: 13034870

Please, indicate as reason for payment the following: nume+taxa an. Receipts and invoices are available from the Treasurer of the Society.


Honorary members

The title of honorary member is conferred by the Society Council to persons who render or have rendered outstanding services to RSPAB. This title bestows upon the recipient all the rights of members, without the obligation of paying annual fees.

RSPAB honorary members:

Radu Grigorovici Institute of Physics and Technology of Materials Magurele-Bucharest, Romania

Daniel Lavalette Président de la Société Française de Biophysique (2002-2006) Institut Curie (INSERM U350), Orsay, France

Gheorghe Mateescu Department of Chemistry Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland – Ohio, USA

Eberhard Neumann Department of Chemistry Bielefeld University, Germany

Charles Pasternak Professor of Biochemistry of London University Oxford International Biomedical Centre, UK

Ian C.P. Smith Institute for Biodiagnostics Winnipeg, Canada

Wilfred D. Stein Dept. of Biological Chemistry Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Karel Wirtz Department of Biochemistry of Lipids Utrecht University, Netherlands


Council members


Function Period
2022-2026 2018-2022 2013-2018 2009-2013 2005-2009 2001-2005
President Julianna Szakacs Dan Mihăilescu Adrian Neagu Ioan Turcu Eugenia Kovács Ioan Nicolaescu
Vice-President Monica Florescu Mihaela G. Moisescu Dan Mihăilescu Adrian Neagu Tudor Luchian Aurel Popescu
General Secretary Monica Neagu Monica Florescu Mihaela G. Moisescu Mihaela G. Moisescu Ioan Turcu Eugenia Kovács
Treasurer Tudor Savopol Tudor Savopol Tudor Savopol Tudor Savopol Tudor Savopol Octavian I. Doagă
RJB Editor in Chief Maria-Luisa Flonta Maria-Luisa Flonta Maria-Luisa Flonta Maria-Luisa Flonta Constantin Dimoftache Constantin Dimoftache
Bucharest Branch Pres. Beatrice-Mihaela Radu Beatrice-Mihaela Radu Dan Mihăilescu Dan Mihăilescu Aurel Popescu Eva Katona
Cluj Branch Pres.   Ioan Turcu Ioan Turcu Mihai Lucaciu Vasile V. Morariu Ioan Turcu
Iaşi Branch Pres.     Dorina E. Creangă Viorel Melnig Viorel Melnig Valeriu Rusu
Timişoara Branch Pres.   Monica Neagu Monica Neagu Monica Neagu Monica Neagu Iosif I. Nagy
Tg. Mureş Branch Pres.   Julianna Szakacs Julianna Szakacs Julianna Szakacs Ioan Nicolaescu Mihai Olariu

Craiova Branch Pres.

  Eugen Osiac        

Censors: Bogdan M. Matei; Ioan Tivig; Luminita Miclea